How Can you use AI in the Healthcare industry
What is AI? Well AI means artificial intelligence. AI is really the way of the future. Some people fear it because it puts a lot of jobs at risk whereas others are excited about it, due to convenience or the range of opportunities.
Believe it or not, Artificial Intelligence is already here. This is just the beginning of the technology to come. For example, Facebook has rolled out the messenger bot. The messenger bot can guide customers through a sales process without even talking to an agent. Or perhaps, you are calling customer service, and robot guides you to the right department. These are just a few of the examples of Artificial Intelligence.
So how can this be implemented in the Healthcare Industry?
- Checking in Patients
It could be really convenient for a patient to be able to call ahead of the doctor visit, and be able to input all their personal information into the system, such as insurance, health history, and etc.. AI, would be able to gather all this information, and then be able to store it in the correct location.
- Schedule of appointments
AI could take the patients through the process of scheduling all of their appointments. It could even be possible to schedule the AI system to do follow up calls to remind patients of upcoming appointments. - Diagnosing Patients
With the technology advancing so rapidly, it could get to the point where AI could make Doctors obsolete. With scanning technology advancing, one day a robot could be able to scan a patient, and then report to them what their issue is, and how to resolve it.
These are just a few basic examples of how AI could play a role in the healthcare industry one day. There are some aspects though, that could be implemented today. So don’t let technology leave you behind. Stay ahead of the curve.
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