STAT MedCare, LLC management would like to take a moment to publicly recognize Judy Booker for her contributions to STAT’s growth.
Our Values
At STAT MedCare, LLC, many of our team come from military backgrounds. For this reason, our employees are held to a standard that reflects certain military values. These values are:
• Integrity first;
• Excellence in all we do; and
• Service before self.
To ensure our clients are always our #1 priority, we expect our team to live and breathe these values.
Integrity First Defined
A person with integrity is someone that is not only honest but also moral and ethical. More specifically, someone with integrity is honest with themselves and others even when they don’t need to be and, when tested in an adverse situation, will make the choice to do the right thing regardless of who is, or is not, watching. In short, integrity driven people actually practice what they preach.
Judy Booker
As a Team Lead for STAT MedCare, LLC, Ms. Judy Booker manages a team of Provider Enrollment Specialists. Her primary focus in this role is to ensure that clients working directly with her, and her team, are ecstatic with the services provided by STAT.
Judy exemplifies the characteristics of “Integrity First.” She joined STAT in 2011, with an MBA in Health Care Management. She proactively reaches out to every one of her team’s clients to ensure they are satisfied with the status reports and outcomes of their engagements with STAT. In fact, for the month of September Judy’s team had a 100% satisfaction rating.
Judy’s leadership abilities and qualities are present every day. She constantly goes above and beyond for her clients and for the company. Thank you for all you do Judy!
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Joy Ortiz is the Marketing Coordinator at STAT MedCare, LLC. STAT is a U.S.-based, national provider of credentialing, payor enrollment, rate negotiation, and other credentialing related services.