Open graph Declutter life 300x158 | Category   Accountable Care Organizations | STATMedCare Payor and Physician Enrollment and Credentialing

De-Clutter Your Life and Keep Things Simple

Time is one of the most precious commodities in our lives, if not the most precious of all, and it is one of the few things that we can never get back. Today’s lifestyles, however, are so filled with responsibilities and with clutter that we are just left chasing our tails as valuable seconds, minutes and hours slip by. Both ...
Physicians Across the Country are Working Harder Than Ever AND GOING BROKE DOING IT 300x300 | Category   Accountable Care Organizations | STATMedCare Payor and Physician Enrollment and Credentialing

Physicians are Working Hard and Going Broke

Physicians across the country are working harder than ever, AND GOING BROKE DOING IT! Are you one of America’s dedicated physicians who works day in and day out to ensure the well-being of your patients? Are you breaking your back to keep up, and going broke doing it? According to The American Medical Association, doctors are working harder and earning ...