Statmed Open graph 1 300x158 | Category   Rate Negotiation | STATMedCare Payor and Physician Enrollment and Credentialing

Rate Negotiation

Rate Negotiations If you’re a medical or behavioral healthcare provider and have been in practice for quite some time, than you probably know getting a raise is something that isn’t easy to come by. One way to get more money coming into your practice is to get more patients, or you can add additional services, specialty equipment or procedures to ...
Statmed Blog 1 300x158 | Category   Rate Negotiation | STATMedCare Payor and Physician Enrollment and Credentialing

A Sound Credentialing Program is Like a Well-Designed Building

sound credentialing program By Dilsa S. Bailey, CPMSM Architects first get a view of the land. Before they envision a building, they envision what would fit into that landscape. The architect then considers what occupies the surrounding space. It is then they start pulling it all together with drawings and photos and notes. That itypically how a credentialing or provider ...
Statmed Open graph 2 300x158 | Category   Rate Negotiation | STATMedCare Payor and Physician Enrollment and Credentialing

4 Steps to Follow for a Rate Increase

In today’s world, you hear about colleagues who have sold their practices to a hospital system or an ACO (Accountable Care Organization) and you wonder if you’ll be next. Why? Because shrinking reimbursement rates and stricter guidelines have made it difficult to practice medicine in a solo or small group setting. However, there are things you can do as a ...
Open graph CONTRACT FEE SCHEDULES 300x158 | Category   Rate Negotiation | STATMedCare Payor and Physician Enrollment and Credentialing

Have You Ever Renegotiated Your Payor Contract & Fee Schedules?

Have you ever wondered if renegotiating contracts is really worth the time and effort? Is an increase in payment even possible? Will payers consider changing your contracted rates? According to The American Medical Association, doctors are working harder and earning less.  So much of what physicians’ face in their budgetary shortfalls is directly related to the reimbursements they receive from major ...
Physicians Across the Country are Working Harder Than Ever AND GOING BROKE DOING IT 300x300 | Category   Rate Negotiation | STATMedCare Payor and Physician Enrollment and Credentialing

Physicians are Working Hard and Going Broke

Physicians across the country are working harder than ever, AND GOING BROKE DOING IT! Are you one of America’s dedicated physicians who works day in and day out to ensure the well-being of your patients? Are you breaking your back to keep up, and going broke doing it? According to The American Medical Association, doctors are working harder and earning ...
epipen 300x300 | Category   Rate Negotiation | STATMedCare Payor and Physician Enrollment and Credentialing

If Epi-Pen Can Do It, Why Can’t You?

The High Stakes Game of Price Increases in Physician Credentialing! We’ve all heard about Mylan CEO, Heather Bresch, who recently tripled the price of an Epi-Pen pack to $608.00. Epi-Pen auto inject pens are used across the country for life threatening anaphylactic reactions. 48 states have signed legislation mandating that Epi-Pens be carried in all public schools.  This legislation was ...