
Explore how our healthcare credentialing and payor enrollment services have positively impacted clients. Read testimonials that highlight the efficiency and effectiveness of our solutions.

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STAT MedCare, LLC10 Woodbridge Center Dr#425Woodbridge, NJ 07095
What Our Clients Are Saying
STAT MedCare, LLC proven solutions allow its clients to focus on their business while reducing their operating costs and maximizing their revenue. We leverage only U.S-based staff that are specialists in our field. The majority of our new clients come from “word of mouth”; from our existing clients and our partners.
Milton Enterprises, Inc.
STAT MedCare, LLC proven solutions allow its clients to focus on their business while reducing their operating costs and maximizing their revenue. We leverage only U.S-based staff that are specialists in our field. The majority of our new clients come from “word of mouth”; from our existing clients and our partners.
Transitions Home Care
The staff are very professional and get the job done. They provide weekly updates. There is no need to follow up as they are on top of the deliverables.
Moni Johnson, American Hearing Center
Their service has been great, actually better then we might have expected. We are very happy with our decision to work with STAT MedCare, LLC and we would definitely refer other practices to them.
American CareSource Holdings
I have worked closely with STAT and they are extremely responsive and knowledgeable. I depend on STAT and my STAT Medical Staff Coordinator for many areas….starting with credentialing, but extending beyond that boundary. STAT is great to work with and a key member of my team.
RiverView Health Institute
Always a great job! Takes care of everything in a timely manner. Very personable company.
Jody S. Velie, MD, Perry Family Medicine
Always get immediate response and they do the work you contract them to do very quickly.
Life Clinic Medical
STAT is AMAZING! They are so helpful and very prompt to answer my questions!
Dr. Achiron, Atlanta Vision Cataract & Laser Center, PC
Great Work!!
Simply The Best Home Therapy, LLC
STAT has worked really hard to help us get our contracts. They have kept us informed and worked diligently.
Aleana Marie Krupinsky, LCSW
Been extremely helpful in obtaining approval for insurance and inquiring about closed panels.
Anka Behavioral Health, Inc.
Good customer service. Personable and customer focused.
Arizona Vein & Vascular Center
Love STAT – they are extremely knowledgeable and helpful. The management staff is great as well!
Fremont Vascular & Vein, Inc.
Because of the way STAT works, soooo PERFECT!!!
Khair Family Practice
Great help and always there.
Crescent Physical Therapy
Great customer service!!! Very helpful!!!