Are You Sitting Comfortably?
When we lift or carry something heavy or stretch to reach something high, usually our bodies let us know instantly if we have pushed them to the limit, by responding with pain. When we’re doing simple tasks or sitting or lying down, however, the thought of body mechanics may not cross our minds. However, poor posture, sitting or lying in the same position for prolonged periods of time, or carrying out what appears to be harmless activities repeatedly can also leave us in agony and can even cause permanent disability.
Typically, when we go out to buy new furniture, either for the home or the office, there are two main factors we consider– style and comfort. What looks great and feels comfortable when we try it out momentarily in the store, however, is not necessarily good for our backs and necks in particular in the longer term.
Ergonomic furniture is designed specifically to ensure that our bodies are supported and encouraged to be held in a way that not only keeps us safe, but also makes us more productive. It is especially valuable in terms of preventing repetitive strain injuries, which can develop over time and cause immense amounts of pain.
Style is important, especially when it comes to the items that we choose for our homes, but our health and safety should never take second place. Next time you are in the market for new furniture, spare a thought for your poor body.
Another option that has become quite popular are standing desks. Sitting all day is generally a bad idea, and standing desks can give you the flexibility to stand and move around, and leaves you a little freer to get that activity that we all need, standing desk or no. However, some standing desks are definitely better than others—they’re either more customizable, more affordable, easily adjustable, bear more weight, or are just better for most workspaces. So be sure to do your research before making this purchase.
Since 2003, STAT MedCare LLC has been an expert in Provider Enrollment, Licensing, Rate Negotiation, and other Credentialing-related services. STAT’s mission is, “Providing Client Services on a foundation of Trust and Integrity.” We stay on top of teaching, training, and equipping to properly manage the workplace as an industry expert. STAT has submitted/renewed 250,000+ licenses, submitted more than 10,000 appeals, and renegotiated more than 3,000 contracts. STAT services practices and organizations who are start-ups, surviving, experiencing (rapid) growth, or maturing Enterprise clients. Contact our Sales team for a free consultation at 877-887-1784, Ext. 505
Have a Good Day from everyone at STAT!